Hi. It’s a scary time in the world right now. When things get scary, I make art.

I have been making tiny skies; find them under the #didyoulooktotheskytoday hashtag on Instagram.

My family is very fortunate to be in a relatively stable financial place right now. We’re doing our best to pay that forward.

Meanwhile, I am going to try give away at least 100 pieces of art while we are all in isolation.


If you find yourself in a tough spot financially right now, and you’d like to own something small and beautiful, fill out the Art For Free form and I will mail you one of my tiny sky paintings. There’s no test for this, no proof you need to offer. If you’re a healthcare or emergency/front line/essential service worker who’s still going out to keep the world running, you are also strongly encouraged to fill out the Art For Free form. If having a tiny painting would help brighten your life, you can have one. FILL OUT THE ART FOR FREE FORM HERE


Can you buy dinner for a friend who lost their job? Help someone cover a water bill? Donate to a relief fund for workers in your community? If you have a bit of spare cash you can give right now, please do so. Then, come fill out the Art For Mutual Aid form, and I’ll mail you a tiny sky painting. If you’re not sure where to start, reach out to your favorite local business, ask your friends, or look at the announcement of this project of Twitter, where I’ll be asking people to link to funds and provide their payment info. FILL OUT THE ART FOR MUTUAL AID FORM HERE

A note on PRODUCTION & MAILING: I’m at home with a toddler full time now. The post office is swamped, and NYC currently has a shelter-in-place order. I will be making and mailing these paintings as best I can. You’ll hopefully get your painting within a month of filling out the form.

With love,

